55 REQUIREMENTS FOR CLOSUREAll items have been received and nothing is on the delay All services have been executed All construction contracts are completed and the final payment to the contractor has been named 18 ASSISTANT USPFOs IAW NGR 130-6, Chapter 2, Para 2-3, in writing with the compliance of the TAG/Commander technically and militarily responsible for their commander or TAG (title 32) There is a FIDUCIARY LIEN between the USPFO and the USPFOs assistant for the legal and regulatory management of their programs 30 procedure agreements based on the reimbursement to the MDS for expenses, which were made while maintaining the methods of custody reimbursement: advance – known amount that is forwarded to SMD on a given repayment schedule – Monthly claim for expenses made during month 33 , identify expenses as non-refundable or refundable (from Schedule or Chapter NGR 5-1) refer to reimbursement percentage (Annex NGR 5-1 chapters, FISP (Army O-M), Air Facilities 7115 Report Prepare Request for Reimbursement (SF 270) – Muss vom Federal Program Manager Forward To USPFO / Or Air Comptroller By AMSCO / Or EEIC Copy Forward to GOR 17 ASSISTANT USPFOs Signed by the USPFO Formation Army National Guard Real Property (Facility Management Officer) Air National Guard Fiscal (Base/Wing Comptroller) Property (Base/Wing Readiness Management Officer) Real Property (Base Civil Engineer) 56 Federal Program Managers need any request for services, Deliveries, etc. to the SMD Resource Manager by Cutoff NLT 30 Sep SMD Resource Manager awards contracts 1 MANAGEMENT CONTROLS AND AUDITS. 2 WHY? Significant dollar value program lacks new knowledge and emerging and mismanagement programs. 58 End of the year of operation of the federal yearUse each schedule (modification of the user agreement) If the schedules are to remain open after 30 decii / or 90 days after the end of the schedule – A renewal request is forwarded to USPFO. COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT FINANCIAL PROCEDURES SUBJECTS Agreement Commitment Cost Principles Payment Procedure Vote final closing. 16 Organization Players RelationshipsFEDERAL STATE National Guard Bureau Governors Office USPFO TAG Financial Mgr (Comp) Resource Officer Rep (GOR) Agreement Coord Program Mgr/Resource Advisors Program Mgr Facilities Management Off Dir of Facilities (FMO) Judge Advocates Gen Attorney Gen Director of Info Mgt Dir of Info Tech (DO IM ) Asst USPFOS (Property/Finance) 11 NATIONAL GUARD COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT PROGRAMTHE CONCEPT OF THE NATIONAL GUARD COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT „STATE COUNTRY” „FEDERAL REIMBURSES” 19 COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTPROGRAM MANAGERS (ARNG) Appointed in writing by USPFO must hire federal employees IAW Bundesgesetze, Regulations and Policies Coordinated with State Finance Staff Link to NGB-OPR-PMs Provides Financial Reports Prepared Contributions to the Annual Federal Budget You also have a FIDUCIARY link VERS THE USPFO PURPOSE AND LEGAL AUTHORITy for COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS 6 APPENDIX COMPONENTS Administration : Provides instructions for all administrative requirements required in the operating budget of the State Military Division (DSM) of the Schedule: Provides federal Program Managers/Resource Advisors with instructions on how they receive funding for the program.
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